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Pushkin Yauheni

Junior Front-End Developer

About me

Hi. My name is Yauheni. I am 22 years old and I work as a design engineer. I studied at the Faculty of Information Technology and Robotics at the Belarusian National Technical University. I have just started to study Ftont-End so I ask you not to judge strictly. Peace for everyone.


Today I know HTML, CSS and JS at a basic level. Recently completed preparatory online courses. I strive to develop in this direction and want to become a real professional!

My projects

Unfortunately, there are no examples of projects yet.

Code Example (from CodeWars)

function isIsogram(str){
    let arrStr = str.split('');
    for (let i = 0; i < arrStr.length; i++) {
        for (let j = (i+1); j < arrStr.length; j++) {
            if (arrStr[i].toLowerCase() == arrStr[j].toLowerCase()) {
                return false
    }	return true